Glen Lyon Ltd, Twizel - C10
290 Hereford Steer Calves
170 Angus/Hereford x Steer Calves
75 Hereford Heifer Calves
170 Angus/Hereford x Heifer Calves
All calves being offered are October born SI High Country Station-Bred Calves.
They will have been mustered and weaned a
good week prior to the sale. They will be trucked to Temuka Saleyards, drafted and sorted into sale lines. Due to time weaned and pre-sale handling, these calves are renowned for their quietness
and good temperament.
All calves have had horns checked and have been
dehorned at weaning.
All bulls purchased in recent years are polled. Our vendors regularly purchase 15-20 Sire Bulls per year from renowned beef studs throughout the South Island. Doing this ensures continuous improvement and genetic gains.
Calves traditionally range in liveweight between 160-240kgs
In conjunction with PGGW
Further enquiries:
Ken Wigley (Vendor) 03 438 9642
Johnny Wigley (Vendor) 03 438 9644
George Mannering (Hazlett) 027 462 0182
Joe Higgins (PGW) 027 431 4041
Greg Uren (PGW) 027 431 4051
290 Hereford Steer Calves
170 Angus/Hereford x Steer Calves
75 Hereford Heifer Calves
170 Angus/Hereford x Heifer Calves
All calves being offered are October born SI High Country Station-Bred Calves.
They will have been mustered and weaned a
good week prior to the sale. They will be trucked to Temuka Saleyards, drafted and sorted into sale lines. Due to time weaned and pre-sale handling, these calves are renowned for their quietness
and good temperament.
All calves have had horns checked and have been
dehorned at weaning.
All bulls purchased in recent years are polled. Our vendors regularly purchase 15-20 Sire Bulls per year from renowned beef studs throughout the South Island. Doing this ensures continuous improvement and genetic gains.
Calves traditionally range in liveweight between 160-240kgs
In conjunction with PGGW
Further enquiries:
Ken Wigley (Vendor) 03 438 9642
Johnny Wigley (Vendor) 03 438 9644
George Mannering (Hazlett) 027 462 0182
Joe Higgins (PGW) 027 431 4041
Greg Uren (PGW) 027 431 4051