Approximate allies for Sale - All Firms:
Steers | 134 |
Heifers | 301 |
Bulls | 31 |
Cows | 225 |
Total | 691 |
Prime Lambs | 543 |
Store Lambs | 9534 |
Prime Ewes | 705 |
One-shear Sheep | 108 |
Breeding Ewes | 105 |
Rams | 23 |
Total | 11018 |
Steers | 134 |
Heifers | 301 |
Bulls | 31 |
Cows | 225 |
Total | 691 |
Prime Lambs | 543 |
Store Lambs | 9534 |
Prime Ewes | 705 |
One-shear Sheep | 108 |
Breeding Ewes | 105 |
Rams | 23 |
Total | 11018 |
Bulls | 2 |
Cows | 20 |
Heifers | 18 |
Total | 40 |
Prime Ewes | 10 |
Total | 10 |
Bushey Park, Palmerston
1300 Corriedale Ewe & Wether Store Lambs
Photos Available Here
Whistler Orchards, Cardrona
280 Halfbred Mixed Sex Store Lambs
Our tally as at 25 February (inclusive of above):
Prime Steers | 5 |
Prime Heifers | 21 |
Prime Cows | 66 |
Total | 92 |
Store Lambs | 1580 |
1 Shear Sheep | 82 |
Prime Ewes | 49 |
Rams | 1 |
Prime Lambs & Hoggets | 134 |
Total | 1846 |
Castle Ridge Station Ltd, Ashburton Gorge
500 Poll Dorset Merino X Wether Lambs
500 Poll Dorset Merino X Ewe Lambs
(In conjunction with PGGW)
Kaingaroa Station, Chatham Island
485 Romney & Romney Suffolk M/S Lambs (ABF, Shorn)
Smylers Peak Ltd, Palmerston
400 Prime & Store Wiltshire & Wiltshire Texel X Lambs
WJ & DH Anderson, Fairlie
180 Halfbred M/S Lambs (ex Shenley Station. Males are Wethers)
120 Blackface Halfbred Mixed Sex Lambs (ex Grampians Station)
80 Romney Ewe Lambs (ex Timpany sale)
RA & PH Giles, Totara Valley
300 Suffolk & Romney X Store Lambs
T-Ranch, Chatham Island
270 Romney X MA Ewes
Wairera Station, Fairlie
225 Crossbred M/S Store Lambs
Shanedale Fishing Co Ltd, Chatham Island
200 Romney X M/S Lambs
Bellamore Ventures Ltd, Kurow
120 Down X Store Lambs
CA Chamberlain, Waimate
80 M/S Store Lambs
MG & CJ Jones Family Trust, Fairlie
40 M/S Romney Lambs
J Predergast, Waihoarunga
110 Halfbred M/S Store Lambs (wooly)
Our entries inclusive of above:
Steers | 39 |
Cows | 55 |
Heifers | 47 |
Total | 141 |
Ewes | 356 |
Prime Lambs | 117 |
Store Lambs | 3274 |
1 Shear Sheep | 12 |
Wethers | 5 |
Total | 3764 |
Castle Ridge Station, Ashburton Gorge
500 Poll Dorset/Merino x Wether Lambs
500 Poll Dorset/Merino x Ewe Lambs
(In conjunction with HAZ)
Rossmore Ltd, Awatere Valley
400 Halfbred Wether Lambs
100 Black face/Halfbred x Mixed Sex Lambs
Boardside Farm, Kurow
350 XBred Mixed Sex Lambs
Beaconsfield Farm, Timaru
300 Suffolk x Mixed Sex Lambs
Connemara Farms, Waihaorunga
300 Corriedale Mixed Sex Lambs
H&S Jamieson, Fairlie
300 Halfbred Mixed Sex Lambs
Airies Station, Rollesby Valley
300 XBred Lambs
Rata Peak Station, Rangitata Gorge
200 Dohn Crypt Lambs
80 Black face Mixed Sex Lambs
Blue Cliffs Station, St Andrews
250 Romney Mixed Sex Lambs
E&D Cartwright, Waitohi
132 Romney/Dorset Down Mixed Sex Lambs
40 Romney Crypt Lambs
40 Composite Crypt Lambs
DC&MA Baynes, Waitohi
111 Romney & Romney/Black face Lambs
52 Romney Mixed Sex Lambs (shorn)
40 Romney/Black face Mixed Sex Lambs (shorn)
Two Thumb P/Ship, Fairlie
100 Black face Mixed Sex Lambs
40 Halfbred Male Lambs
Merryhill P/Ship, Merton
120 Romney Ram Lambs (shorn)
Springbank P/Ship, Levels Valley
100 Suffolk x Mixed Sex Lambs
RS&TM Coles, Hanging Rock
100 Suftex Mixed Sex Lambs
KJ Brien, Albury
100 Mixed Sex Lambs
DJ Isherwood, Methven
85 Suffolk x Mixed Sex Lambs
Woodland Farm, Waimate
35 2th Kelso Ewes
72 MA Texel x Ewes
4 Texel Rams
AJ&SM Lyon, Temuka
6 1&2 Shr Suftex Rams
Our Tallies as at 25 Feb (Inclusive of above)
Steers | 80 |
Heifers | 143 |
Cows | 44 |
Bulls | 13 |
Total | 280 |
1 Shear Wethers & Ewes | 14 |
Prime Ewes | 286 |
Breeding Ewes | 105 |
Rams | 22 |
Prime Lambs | 272 |
Store Lambs | 4655 |
Total | 5354 |
Steers | 10 |
Heifers | 72 |
Cows | 40 |
Bulls | 16 |
Total | 138 |
Prime Lambs | 20 |
Store Lambs | 15 |
Total | 35 |