Rona Station, Burkes Pass
750 Halfbred Wether Lambs
350 Halfbred Ewe Lambs
These undrafted lambs are off hill country and are renowned for their shifting ability. They will be drafted into lines to suit all intending purchasers.
ZHC Fishing, Pitt Island
140 Romney X Mixed Sex Lambs
Harrex & Sons Ltd, Pleasant Point
65 DownX Mixed Sex Lambs
Bernie Downs Ltd, Southburn
40 Mixed Sex Lambs
Our entries inclusive of above:
Ewes |
1222 |
2th Ewes |
42 |
Store Lambs |
1355 |
Total |
2619 |
Steers |
11 |
Beef Heifers |
11 |
Dairy Heifers |
1 |
Bulls |
55 |
Cows |
55 |
Total |
133 |