(Online auctions exclude sheep)

PGG Wrightson Livestock

Warrego Pastoral, McCones - Macraes
3200 Romney Wether Lambs (Shorn)
1000 Terminal Ewe & Wether Lambs (Shorn)
The above lambs come with a reputation for shifting and for growing out to heavy weights
Enquiries: Gerard Shea 0274 425 379
E&C Winter, Cave
95 Suffolk x Mixed Sex Lambs (Males are wethers)
130 Romney Wether Lambs (Shorn)
90 Romney Ewe Lambs (Shorn)
Geordie Hill Station, Lindis Pass
100 Halfbred Wether Lambs (Shorn)
RJ&EJ Gray, Cannington

50 Suffolk x Crypt Lambs
75 Suffolk x Ewe Lambs

Tallies to 13 March     (incl above)

Steers 3
Beef Heifers 6
Dairy Heifers 4
Dairy Cows  55
Bulls 1
Total 69
Prime Ewes 202
Rams 1
Prime Lambs 39
Store Lambs 4740
Total  4982

NZ Farmers Livestock


Steers                                                       4
Heifers  (Beef)                                          4
Heifers  (Dairy)                                        21
Cows    (Dairy)                                        48

Total                                                        77


Prime Lambs                                           20

Dairy Heifers    21 
Dairy Cows   25
Total  46
Hazlett Livestock
Deepdale, Albury

410 Suftex Coopdale Forward Store Mixed Sex Lambs
(Male Lambs are Wether Lambs)
Grantleigh Farm Ltd, Twizel
100 Border Leicester Merino Mixed Sex Lambs
100 Suftex Merino Mixed Sex Lambs
100 Poll Dorset Merino Mixed Sex Lambs
(Male Lambs are Wether Lambs)

Back Country Trout, Fairlie
270 Romney X Mixed Sex Lambs 
(Male Lambs are Wether Lambs) The Wolds Station Ltd, Lake Tekapo 250 South Down Merino X Mixed Sex Lambs

Our entries inclusive of above:

Dairy Cows 12
Rigs 1
Total 13
Prime Lambs  30
Store Lambs 1230
Total 1260
Rural Livestock
Beef & Beef X Heifers 20
Dairy Heifers 3
Prime Bulls 2
Total 25